Google’s greatest ever easter eggs | Webdesigner Depot
Google’s greatest ever easter eggs http://t.co/FlVyFtVPkk
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Weekly Diigo Bookmarks (weekly)
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Weekly Diigo Bookmarks (weekly)
Kids Speak Out on Student Engagement | Edutopia
What Engages Students? 10 Things Students Say: http://t.co/R5hgdzS14O
tags: tweets
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Weekly Diigo Bookmarks (weekly)
It's ! Do these moves to up your off-roading speed
It's #TrailTuesday! Do these moves to up your off-roading speed: http://t.co/N9XwNfwj4U
tags: TrailTuesday tweets
Saturday, October 26, 2013
autopost (weekly)
RW Half & Festival Features Record, Wedding Proposal | Runner's World & Running Times
- and after Lauren Creasy finished the half-marathon in 2:17, she
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Saturday, September 21, 2013
autopost (weekly)
What's the Difference Between Fartlek, Tempo, and Interval Runs? | Runner's World
NEWBIES: Don't know the difference between tempo, fartlek, and interval runs? @CoachJenny breaks 'em down: http://t.co/HtAap7Fktu
tags: tweets
Episode #160 - Full Transcript | Ben Greenfield Fitness
numb feet question
- numb.
- fascia work done like a deep tissue type
- You could look into frequent use of a foam roller combined with stretching to again try and improve elasticity in your fascia.
Fit in 4 Minutes with the Minimalist Cardio Training Tabata | flocblog
Effects of moderate-intensity endurance... [Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1996] - PubMed - NCBI
- Justification for HIIT. (Tabata Study 1996)
- Tabata
- eight sets of 20-s exercise at an intensity of about 170% of VO2max with a 10-s rest between each bout.
- naerobic capacity increased by 28%
- high-intensity intermittent training may improve both anaerobic and aerobic energy supplying systems
- significantly
Start the Year Out Right With Student Portfolios - The Organized Classroom Blog
Start the Year Out Right With Student Portfolios http://t.co/eaGbeWctsr via @theOCBlog
tags: tweets
Saturday, September 14, 2013
autopost (weekly)
Motivational Posters For Runners | Runner's World
Need a dose (or two) of INSPIRATION? One of these posters should do the trick: http://t.co/MZenTWPPLY
tags: tweets
Saturday, September 7, 2013
autopost (weekly)
Are You Overemphasizing The Marathon Long Run? - Competitor Running
For those of you training for fall marathons, are you overemphasizing the long run? http://t.co/AxdgeKNWjw
tags: tweets
48 Common Core Standards-aligned Teaching Tools From edshelf
48 Common Core Standards-Aligned Teaching Tools From edshelf http://t.co/rmgDy1fbfR via @TeachThought
tags: tweets
Foil Crooks By Writing a Fake Pin Number on Your Debit Card
If your debit card ever gets stolen, you can trick the crook into locking the card by writing down a fake pin number. http://t.co/68FTMHNYmO
tags: tweets
Saturday, August 24, 2013
autopost (weekly)
Lolo Jones' Core Workout | Runner's World
Ditch crunches. Do @lolojones' ab workout instead for a killer core: http://t.co/zcy9xCKqiY
tags: tweets
10 Free Web Tools To Make Your Own Infographics | Modern Lessons
10 Free Web Tools To Make Your Own Infographics http://t.co/85OCIXDNmM
tags: tweets
Using Google Forms - Google Drive
Using Google Forms - a great 12 page guide from @ericcurts http://t.co/6XnWwhnPHq #gafe #googlect
5 Gmail and Google Drive Updates you Missed Over the Summer (in animated gifs) | Google Gooru
5 Gmail and Google Drive Updates you Missed Over the Summer (in animated gifs) http://t.co/OA3rCsW6Th via @zite
tags: tweets
How Technology is Moving Arts Education Beyond the Classroom | Remake Learning
Good read. RT @dmlresearchhub: How Tech is Moving #ArtsEd Beyond the Classroom http://t.co/2Y8i2ubQMi #STEAM
KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON with the Keep Calm-o-matic
tags: images graphic design
tags: rhetoric presentation
170 Online Ebooks for Young Kids | mattBgomez
Nice! 170 Online Ebooks for Young Kids http://t.co/mXVS01QikL via @mattbgomez #kinderchat #yls #kids #ptchat #esl #eltchat #ellchat
Free Technology for Teachers: 5 Good Places for Students to Find Public Domain Images
5 Good Places for Students to Find Public Domain Images http://t.co/YgP0LcjErc
tags: tweets
Saturday, August 17, 2013
autopost (weekly)
The best free educational apps for kids: Back to School Tech Guide 2013 at Cool Mom Tech
Find the best free educational apps for Back to School, all in one spot on @coolmomtech: http://t.co/SNkqGR1ZXz
tags: tweets
Saturday, August 10, 2013
autopost (weekly)
Download Free, Open-source Textbooks from OpenStax College
Textbooks are ridiculously expensive. Here's one more source for free college textbooks: http://t.co/E6z8FppOfI
tags: tweets
grub2 - How do I set Windows to boot as the default in the boot loader? - Ask Ubuntu
- grep menuentry /boot/grub/grub.cfg
- and the nano editor will open, thus (for mine)...
- GRUB_DEFAULT="Windows NT/2000/XP (loader) (on /dev/sda1)"
- sudo update-grub
TubeChop - Chop YouTube Videos
tags: YouTube Video editing web2.0
- Comparing
Saturday, July 20, 2013
autopost (weekly)
Types of Zoning Codes | Zoning Matters
- he most common and most traditional approach to zoning is called Euclidean zoning.
- single-family residential, multi-family residential, commercial, institutional, industrial and recreational.
- dimensional standards that regulate the height, bulk and area of structures.
- setbacks, sideyards, height limits, minimum lot sizes, and lot coverage limits.
- rderly growth, preventing overcrowding of land and people, alleviating congestion, and separating incompatible uses
- lack of flexibility
- more emphasis on regulating the form and scale of buildings and their placement along and within public spaces
- curbing urban sprawl, promoting pedestrian safety, and preserving the fabric of historic neighborhoods.
- offers a reward
- o a developer who does something "extra" that is in the community's interest
- promotes a public goal
- can be complex to administer.
- regulates the effects or impact of land uses through performance standards.
- raffic flow, density, noise and access to light and air.
- any building that meets the performance standards for that district.
- great deal of flexibility.
- modular zoning "breaks‐up" the idea of a zone district into its fundamental building blocks - permitted uses, dimensional standards (i.e., height, bulk, and setbacks, or form), and development standards (i.e., parking, signs, landscaping) - and allows those components to be combined in different ways.
- One important advantage is the cost of keeping codes current. When book‐based codes are used, amendments need to be printed and manually inserted in the document, and many cities can only afford to consolidate amendments, send them to the publisher, and mail out updates to known code users every three or six or twelve months.
Saturday, June 8, 2013
autopost (weekly)
200+ Novel Games for Your Classroom Website
tags: games
Base Plan | Earth-Kind® Landscaping
tags: landscaping
What's the best alternative for Microsoft Publisher?
MS Publisher Alternatives http://t.co/6Z06Z6KRvE
tags: tweets
Saturday, June 1, 2013
autopost (weekly)
“Identity is something that you are constantly earning. It is a process that you must be active in.” http://t.co/19cBbo6Pj7 via @malynmawby
tags: tweets
Free Resources and Tools for "Authentic" Assessment | Edutopia
Free Resources and Tools for "Authentic" Assessment | @edutopia http://t.co/MvetEEFjwI
tags: tweets
Kim Garst: 4 Reasons Why Social Media Should be Taught in Our School Systems
Kim Garst 4 Reasons Why Social Media Should be Taught in Our School Systems http://t.co/X1x03sD3ID via @HuffPostTech#oltd505 @courosa
tags: tweets
Pamela Poole: How Twitter Became My Morning Paper
Send this to someone who says they "don't get Twitter:" http://t.co/Awo1laxB r/t
tags: tweets
Runner's World > How Smartphones Affect Treadmill Running
They say there's a study for everything. Here's another: how your phone affects treadmill running http://t.co/i1mZYGqLv8
tags: tweets
The Truth About Snapchat: A Digital Literacy Lesson for Us All - The Digital Shift
RT @kishizuka: The Truth About Snapchat: A Digital Literacy Lesson for Us All - The Digital Shift http://t.co/khGWfLJ3xo” #tlchat #vanmeter
Solar eclipse, as seen from orbit. Another one to
Solar eclipse, as seen from orbit. Another one to share with science teachers. #science #fb http://t.co/F88o2Iijmd
What Does A Teacher's Brain Look Like? | Edudemic
What Does A Teacher's Brain Look Like? http://t.co/GxJla4j4N2
tags: tweets
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Saturday, May 11, 2013
autopost (weekly)
- Here are some of the best plyometric movements you can use in your endurance training program:
Here’s how a sample plyometric routine looks, and during race season or the build-up to a race, you only need to do a program like this once per week to get results:
- You can go through this entire routine two to three times as a circuit, and unlike most circuits, you’ll want full rest between any sets that use similar muscles (typically between 60 seconds and three minutes).
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Saturday, April 27, 2013
autopost (weekly)
Twitter For Teachers: Erin Klein's Awesome 10-Minute Video Tells All | Edudemic
Twitter For Teachers: Erin Klein’s Awesome 10-Minute Video Tells All http://t.co/5MrU6jPqP6 #edtech #elearning
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Saturday, April 6, 2013
autopost (weekly)
5 Productivity Apps for Teachers | Teach Amazing!
5 Productivity Apps for Teachers http://t.co/IEmvlmFOzI via @markbrumley Feats @springpad @rememberthemilk @astrid @Wunderlist @WorkFlowy
tags: tweets
Twitter / Twitter Cheat Sheet intro
Twitter Cheat Sheet intro http://t.co/p4zXYtcz3i
tags: tweets
Blogging About The Web 2.0 Connected Classroom: The Power Of The Lurker
The Power Of The Lurker: http://t.co/9OfQRDspaR #edchat
10 Fun & Surprising Operating System Easter Eggs
10 Fun & Surprising Operating System Easter Eggs http://t.co/wZA6pvMWsu via @zite
tags: tweets
Saturday, March 23, 2013
autopost (weekly)
Create infographics & online charts
tags: infographic tools charts graphs
Tinkering Resources compiled by Sylvia Martinez and Gary Stager
tags: tinkering technology
Mathematical Origami … beautiful!
Mathematical Origami … beautiful! http://t.co/5lzWYxrH6G
tags: tweets
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Saturday, March 2, 2013
autopost (weekly)
eGFI is for everyone! From the interactive website to the colorful and inspiring print and digital magazine, there is something for everyone--students, K-12 teachers and informal educators, parents and guardians, and anyone else with an interest in engineering. - See more at: http://www.egfi-k12.org/about/#sthash.lYP7lhfM.dpuf
tags: engineering STEM technology
Saturday, February 16, 2013
autopost (weekly)
STEM Careers Demand Risk-taking; U.S. Teens Fear It, ASQ Survey Says
95% of students recognize the need for risk taking. But, 46% are afraid to take risks. 81% of parents are uncomfort…http://t.co/WafwQ6p5
tags: tweets
Saturday, February 9, 2013
autopost (weekly)
http://t.co/r1CQomuD What #parents need 2 know about #snapchat #parentchat #socialmedia
‘Robodocs’? ‘Tricorders’? How telemedicine will shape the future of health — Tech News and Analysis
‘Robodocs’? ‘Tricorders’? How #telemedicine will shape future of health | @kheussner http://t.co/k8ZJSV3u HT @alexgraham186 #DigitalHealth
tags: telemedicine DigitalHealth tweets
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Saturday, January 19, 2013
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WritingFix: Writing Across the Curriculum...RAFT Writing Assignments
writing across the curriculum - rubrics etc
tags: writing
ICDL - International Children's Digital Library
A library for the World's Children
tags: interactive library books reading children
Saturday, January 5, 2013
autopost (weekly)
Why Students Today Complain About Grades—and How We Can Fix It | HASTAC
Why Students Today Complain About Grades—and How We Can Fix It http://t.co/gnAiiCuo Interesting perspective on negative influence of NCLB
tags: tweets